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In a world of constantly changing technology and demands, product lifespan can be as short as just a few months, and even products in low tech sectors need to be revisited regularly to make sure they provide what the client requires. Products must be deemed to provide value. Businesses who want to avoid getting caught in the race to the bottom with the price of commoditised products need a clear focus on market needs and product development. We can employ a range of techniques in assisting the product development process, these are:

  • Design

Design studies the need and the technologies available, it applies established scientific and mathematical principles in combination with an understanding of the materials involved to providing solutions to meet the market need.

  • R&D

Where scientific or technological uncertainty exists and a product or process needs to be developed outside of existing principles set out in standards and textbooks we engage in Research and Development. This R&D work can be carried out in house in businesses or by others. Typically connections with academic institutions are useful in many R&D projects and we can work with a number of institutions to help develop these links.

  • Standard Development

Where no product standards exist and products have reached a mature stage in the market, standards need to be developed. This commonly begins with Industry codes of practice, technical reports, technical guidance document and eventually national, european or harmonised standards. We have experience working with industries at various stages in this process to help perpetuate best industry practice.

  • Certification

Certification has become increasingly important for construction industry suppliers since the implementation of the CPD/CPR directive in July 2013. This requires all suppliers of construction products that fall within the remit of Harmonised European Standards to CE mark their products. Some products require independent verification and others can be CE marked in house but all manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that they declare their products performance and affix a CE mark. Beyond the remit of CE marking, clients are still keen to know the performance of the product they buy is defined and verified. Certification of new and innovative products is important from the perspective of acceptance in the market place.

  • Commercialisation

Good products do not make money unless they get to enough people who appreciate their value enough to pay for them. Commercialisation necessitates first getting to grips with product cost and market opportunity. The effort needed to get ideas in front of the right people and to overcome the obstacles of the purchasing process should not be underestimated. We have significant experience in using a blend of traditional and digital media to target new and existing sectors and markets.

  • Collaboration and Technology Transfer

The last 15 years of Internet and the availability on countless pieces of information has changed how many of us regard knowledge. We expect to find the answers to our question with an instant search. Companies have been more reserved in their attitude to sharing information and collaboration but it seems to be changing at least in a measure. The idea of open collaboration, sharing info in exchange for speedier outcomes has become more and more popular even among larger corporates. Many opportunities exist to collaborate at Irish, European and even International level. Universities, colleges and small firms are keen to share and capitalise on their information. We can work with existing exchange platforms to help establish partnerships for collaboration and technology transfer.